Friday, September 4, 2009

The Moon Fell!

Samantha is my little three year old that talks up a storm! She is always talking. She is not shy
and makes up a story whenever she can. She says the funniest things. Here are a few things that come out of the mouth of a three year old.
Sam in the car and sees the moon.
Sam: I see the moon!!
Dad: Yes, and the moon see you too!
They drive around the corner.
Sam:The MOON FELL!!!
The next night I am coming home with Sam and again,
Sam: I see the moon!
Mom: Yep!
Sam: Why mom, the moon is following us!

The kids like to run in our home because we have a circle downstairs from kitchen, family room, to living room. They run and run until they are tired.

Lilly is running, and around the corner she turns. Lilly says, "It's like running 2 miles!"
Sam: It's like two bottles. ( not really hearing what sister said)

Then we were watching a TV show and there was a mama bear with it's cubs. Sam says, " I will call the mom, Cutie Pie!"

Maybe she hears us call her Cutie Pie...but it was too cute! So, Sam is just our little talker and we never know what she will say. Every day is a fun one with her!!

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